Friday 14 March 2014

F*** Off

A couple weeks ago, some mates and I were at a pub in Westport talking with Debs, who’d grown up in Louisburgh. Someone asked what the best way to get a guy to go away when you aren’t interested in talking to him. With a straight face, she said, “Fuck off.” We were a little taken aback, surely that was a bit too harsh for someone who was just being a little annoying. She must have seen the looks on our faces so she elaborated, saying that it isn’t taken offensively here.

Of course, you can be rude when you say it, depending on the tone you take. If he’s really persistent, it’s okay to sound a little angry, but sounding pissed off will get you labeled as a bitch. Alternately you can also say it nicely, like, “Hey, fuck off,” softly (this is not to be confused with quietly—saying it quietly will get you nowhere because he won’t hear it).

Nobody really bats an eye when you tell someone to fuck off at the pub. This isn’t to say that you can go around telling people to fuck off whenever and wherever you want. It isn’t acceptable in all situations, so reserve it only for when someone is really bothering you and won’t take the hint to leave.

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